City of La Verne/County of Los Angeles Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD)
In 2017, the City of La Verne passed a Resolution of Intent to establish an EIFD at the future Metro Gold Line light rail station (E Street and Arrow Highway) and surrounding transit-oriented development as outlined in the Old Town La Verne Specific Plan. Property tax increment is projected to generate $33 million, and will go towards funding multiple infrastructure projects, including enhancement of connectivity (parking, pedestrians, bikes, rideshare), beautification, and expansion of utilities to catalyze development and accommodate housing growth. Private development projects include 1,700 new residential units 15% of which are affordable, retail, a business park, and hotel transit-oriented development are also valued at nearly $500 million in 2017 dollars.
Although initially the City established the EIFD without County participation, in January 2020, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the County’s financial participation in the La Verne EIFD. With the County’s participation, the EIFD will receive an additional $50 million in tax increment funds. The La Verne EIFD Infrastructure Financing Plan was approved August of 2020, making it the second EIFD in the State to involve a city and county partnership.
Official information on the EIFD can be found at