With six million additional people expected to populate Southern California in the next 30 years, mobility can only get worse. Southern California’s future economic viability and quality of life depend on its ability to move people and goods.
To meet this challenge, SCAG is collaborating with various state and regional stakeholders to plan intercity and interregional mobility improvements. This work currently includes partnering with the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor Agency (LOSSAN), Metrolink and the California High Speed Rail Authority to plan and coordinate the development of higher speed passenger rail service in the SCAG region and beyond.
Visit the California High-Speed Rail Authority website to download current or past California High-Speed Rail Business Plans by chapter and find other related resources.
Visit the California Department of Transportation website to download the most recent California State Rail Plan by chapter and find other related resources.
Steve Fox
(213) 236-1855
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