Housing Element Support


6th Cycle Housing Element Update Resources

To comply with state housing law, jurisdictions within California must update their housing element every eight years. In collaboration with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), SCAG has developed a variety of resources to assist local jurisdictions with the housing element update process. Resources include data available as complete reports and in raw format. HCD has certified this local housing data and the SCAG Accessory Dwelling Unit Affordability Analyses for local use in housing element.

Reports were updated in April 2021 to include each jurisdiction’s final 6th cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation. Excel versions of each jurisdiction’s data are available in the complete raw data and metadata file.

View Local Housing Data

For more information, please contact us at housing@scag.ca.gov.

Linking California’s Project Homekey To Housing Element Updates

California’s Project Homekey was a $600 million grant program for cities and counties to purchase hotels, motels, vacant apartments, and residential care facilities and convert them into permanent supportive housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Under Government Code Section 65583.1(c)(2)(D), Homekey projects can count toward a jurisdiction’s adequate sites for its housing element update. View the inventory that identifies Project Homekey Developments in the SCAG region and its number of units.  


Housing Element Workshop: New Laws & Tools

Fall 2020

The Housing Element Digital Workshop is a two-part series focused on providing local governments and other stakeholders in the SCAG region with information and resources to support their 6th Cycle Housing Element Updates. The workshop provided information on changes in housing element and related planning laws as well as available technical assistance offered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and SCAG.

Part 1:  Thursday, August 20th 2020, 1:00PM - 3:30PM

The first workshop day in this two-part series included sessions on Housing Element technical assistance and data elements offered by SCAG along with a deeper dive into HCD’s recently released Site Inventory Guidelines.


Part 2:  Thursday, August 27th 2020, 1:00PM - 3:30PM

The second day featured a discussion on determining accessory dwelling unit capacity and affordability. The agenda also included additional housing element guidance from HCD, such as affirmatively furthering fair housing and other requirements added to state housing law since the last housing element cycle.


For more information on SCAG’s Housing Element Support, contact: 
Kevin Kane / kane@scag.ca.gov / (213) 236-1828