Technical Assistance & Resources


Agencies and Organizations

California Department of Housing and Community Development HCD is responsible for reviewing local housing element updates and providing comments in accordance with State housing law.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD’s​ mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.

CA LOTS The Wizard section on CA LOTS is designed to guide users, to easily look up information and to get started with maps and spatial analysis.​

U.S. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity The FHEO administers and enforces federal laws and establishes policies that make sure all Americans have equal access to the housing of their choice.

Casita Coalition works to remove policy barriers and make it easier to build small homes in all neighborhoods across California – including ADUs, duplexes, granny flats and cottage clusters. From vetting proposals and brainstorming, to identifying innovative program design, model codes and policies, our goal is to share solutions with our growing number of practicing professionals, across disciplines and geographic regions, so we can learn together and implement quickly.

Tools and Resources

HCD Housing Planning Hub 

HCD launches the Housing Planning Hub Site, a repository of statewide and regional toolkits, factsheets and guidance on a variety of housing policy areas with a specific focus on priority policy areas. The hub includes interactive maps, model ordinances resources, toolkits, checklists and online trainings. HCD will continually update the resource center as new tools become available. 

Essential Housing Campaign

The Housing Innovation Collaborative (HICo)’s most recent initiative “The Essential Housing Campaign” is directly aligned with SCAG’s regional housing production goals, to create the market dynamics needed in order to make building moderate-income housing – for those earning up to 120% of area median income – feasible in Los Angeles, using limited public subsidy.