Transportation Control Measures


Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) are identified by air quality management plans and implementation plans to reduce emissions or concentrations of air pollutants from transportation sources by reducing vehicle use, changing traffic flow, or congestion conditions.​​​ SCAG works closely with the CTCs and Caltrans to ensure timely implementation of committed TCM projects in the region. Substitution of individual TCMs follows the process specified in the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) section 176(c). Section 176© of the CAA allows for the substitution of individual TCMs if certain conditions are met. The CTCs and/or project sponsors notify SCAG when a TCM project cannot be delivered or will be significantly delayed. SCAG and the CTCs identify and evaluate possible replacement measures for individual substitutions, with consultation from the Transportation Conformity Working Group (TCWG), which includes members from all affected jurisdictions, federal, state and/or local air quality agencies, and transportation agencies.  

Air quality plans and corresponding documents are maintained and available on the California Air Resources Board website