Greater University Circle

Funding and Financing Tools and Strategy

Greater University Circle ImageUniversity Circle is a square-mile district about four miles east of downtown Cleveland that is home to approximately 40 education, health, arts, and social services institutions. Since the 1950s, the University Circle institutions have worked together to plan the development of the Circle, acquire land, and provide services such as landscaping, policing, and marketing through an organization called University Circle, Inc. In 2005, the Cleveland Foundation initiated a new effort to bring the district’s institutions together to address critical infrastructure needs and revitalize the surrounding “greater” University Circle neighborhoods. Through these two efforts, the institutions in University Circle have contributed to infrastructure development in a number of ways – including providing up-front money to pay for design and planning, supporting grant applications, and even taking the lead in raising funding and constructing streetscape and other improvements. This case study reviews the range of ways that anchor institutions have contributed to infrastructure and transit-oriented development in the Circle.