

Grants are funds that do not need to be paid back and are typically provided by a higher level of government to a lower level (e.g., from the federal government to states or localities; from states to local governments) or by a philanthropic entity. The federal government, the State of California, and each region’s metropolitan planning organization (MPO) provide a wide range of grants and formula funding programs that are relevant for TOD/infill infrastructure needs, including for transportation, community and economic development, clean air and water, brownfield cleanup, parks and open space, and local and regional planning. Because grant programs are typically competitive, grant funds are an unpredictable funding source.


Regional Funding Sources and Technical Assistance Programs

  • Many state and federal transportation funds are allocated through California’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs). To find your regional transportation agencies, check here:

  • California’s local air districts may offer grants for transportation and other projects that improve air quality. To find your local air district, check here:

SCAG Sustainable Communities Program (SCP)

Housing & Sustainable Development Technical Assistance Program

Announced in November 2020, the SCP Housing and Sustainable Development program will provide technical assistance and resources to jurisdictions in incorporating equity, increasing active transportation and diverse mobility options, developing more housing options near transit, incorporating greenhouse gas emissions and/or vehicle-miles traveled reduction measures, among other strategies in local planning to implement the goals from the 2020-2045 Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy across the region.

The program will focus on three project types, 1) Advancing Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Implementation; 2) Housing Sustainability Districts, Workforce Housing Opportunity Zones, and Housing Supportive Tax Increment Financing Districts; and 3) Objective Development Standards for Streamlined Housing, Prohousing Designation Program and Parking Innovation. These three housing project types were chosen because they will lead to development of supportive housing policies and programs, and each have their own unique application.

Click here to get more information on the Program and start an Application.

SCAG TIF Feasibility Analysis and Technical Assistance

To implement Connect SoCal’s housing development goals, SCAG has conducted feasibility analyses, in partnership with Kosmont Companies, across SCAG’s jurisdictions to determine eligibility to initiate a TIF district or other value capture pilot projects. To determine eligibility, projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Project has high potential for development or redevelopment
  • Project area supports TOD and is zoned to support such development
  • Transportation and related infrastructure will help catalyze future development
  • Infrastructure is of communitywide and regional benefit
  • Potential property tax increment and other sources funding capacity

Over 100 jurisdictions have benefited from SCAG’s technical assistance, with 30 going on to pursue pilot projects, including the now-approved City of Placentia/County of Orange EIFD and the County Los Angeles West Carson EIFD. For more information, contact Kimberly Clark at