May is National Bike Month

Celebrate with Go Human this Month and Every Month!


In recognition of Bike Month, Go Human will be sharing bike safety resources with communities across the region. Although Bike Month is nationally recognized in May, Go Human encourages biking and bike safety this month and every month and aims to make biking safer and more enjoyable all year round, through events, infrastructure improvements, safety messaging and materials, and resource distribution. Learn more below!


Find us at the following upcoming events!

  • Go Human X CicLAvia: Go Human has partnered up with CicLAvia, and will join the open street event, CicLAmini in Watts on Sunday, May 21. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback on Connect SoCal, SCAG’s long-range plan, and receive free helmets and educational resources.  ​ 
  • Go Human X Costa Mesa Bike Festival: Go Human will distribute safety resources including helmets and educational materials in support of the event on Saturday, May 27. ​


  • SPOTLIGHT: Go Human @ 626 Golden Streets – On Sunday, April 23, 2023, the Active San Gabriel Valley (ActiveSGV) team hosted Golden Streets, temporarily opening stretches of the street for people to walk, jog, skate, bike and more.  The event promoted sustainable and active communities; encouraging participants to engage with many local businesses, organizations, and community groups at event hubs along the route. Go Human distributed 130 helmets and Go Human swag, providing opportunities for participants to respond to  SCAG’s survey on the development of its long-range plan, Connect SoCal.

Help us shape the future - Take the survey


We invite you to request the following offerings, for your community, at no cost:

  • Co-Branded Safety Advertisements – We’ll co-brand print and digital graphics at no cost to jurisdictions, school districts and other partners. Use the Materials Request form to request materials with message-tested safety reminders for drivers or unique, community-specific messaging. Available in multiple languages.
  • SCAG Safety Pledge – SCAG’s Go Human Safety Pledge invites you to commit to supporting safer  streets that promote walking, biking.  By signing the Pledge, jurisdictions, organizations and individuals can become safety leaders in the SCAG region.
  • Go Human Kit of Parts Lending Library- The Kit of Parts Lending Library provides pop-up materials to temporarily demonstrate potential and planned street design treatments and safety infrastructure to create safer and more inviting public spaces. It includes materials to showcase five street treatments; a parklet, curb extension (bulb- out), median refuge island, artistic crosswalk, and separated bike lanes. Our temporary safety demonstrations create opportunities for residents to experience streets that are re-designed for safety in live traffic settings, test out, refine, and identify support for improvements. Curious about this resource? Learn more by checking out the Kit of Parts Playbook. For more details or to borrow the Kit of Parts, contact us at

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Bike Month, this month and every month!