Certified 2020 PEIR


Certified Final Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR

Complete Connect SoCal PEIR (25 MB)
Executive Summary
Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Project Description (25 MB)
3 Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures
3.1 Aesthetics
3.2 Agriculture and Forestry
3.3 Air Quality
3.4 Biological Resources
3.5 Cultural Resources
3.6 Energy
3.7 Geology and Soils (15 MB)
3.8 Greenhouse Gases
3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
3.10 Hydrology and Water Quality
3.11 Land Use and Planning (18 MB)
3.12 Mineral Resources
3.13 Noise
3.14 Population and Housing
3.15 Public Services
3.16 Parks and Recreation
3.17 Transportation, Traffic and Safety (13 MB)
3.18 Tribal Cultural Resources
3.19 Utilities and Service Systems
3.20 Wildfire
3.21 Cumulative Impacts
4 Alternatives
5 Other CEQA Considerations
6 List of EIR Preparers
7 Glossary
8 Introduction to the Final PEIR
9 Responses to Comments (77MB)
10 Corrections and Additions


Appendix 1 Notice of Preparation and Comments (13 MB)
Appendix 2 Plan Project List
Appendix 3.3 Health Risk Assessment Technical Report
Appendix 3.4 Biological Resources Technical Report
Appendix 3.5 Updated Cultural Resources Technical Report
Appendix 3.7 Paleontological Resources Technical Report
Appendix 3.13 Aviation Noise Technical Report

Errata to the Final Connect SoCal PEIR



Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #1

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCAG has prepared the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #1 to address technical refinements to the growth forecast in relation to entitlements and to address two comment letters from the Center of Biological Diversity (CBD) on May 1, 2020 and May 6, 2020. Upon evaluation, SCAG found that technical refinements resulted in minimal impacts to Connect SoCal’s performance results and Connect SoCal would continue to achieve federal air quality conformity and meet the State’s per-capita GHG reduction targets for 2020 and 2035.

The Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #1 was approved by the SCAG Regional Council on September 3, 2020.



Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #2

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCAG has prepared Addendum #2 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR, which analyzes the changes documented in the Final Connect SoCal Amendment #1. Upon evaluation, SCAG finds that the proposed changes would not result in a substantial change to the region-wide impacts when compared to the certified PEIR with Addendum #1. SCAG staff also finds that the projects identified in Connect SoCal Amendment #1 are programmatically consistent with the analysis, mitigation measures, and Findings of Fact contained in the previously certified PEIR with Addendum #1. The amended Connect SoCal would continue to achieve federal transportation conformity and meet the State’s per-capita GHG reduction targets for 2035.

Addendum #2 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR was approved by the SCAG Regional Council on November 4, 2021.

Complete Connect SoCal PEIR Addendum #2


Resolution No. 21-637-2 Approving Addendum No. 2 Connect SoCal PEIR


Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #3

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCAG has prepared Addendum #3 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR, which analyzes the changes documented in Connect SoCal Amendment #2. Upon evaluation, SCAG finds that the proposed changes would not result in a substantial change to the region-wide impacts when compared to the certified PEIR with Addendums #1 and #2. SCAG staff also finds that the projects identified in Connect SoCal Amendment #2 are programmatically consistent with the analysis, mitigation measures, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Considerations contained in the previously certified PEIR with Addendums #1 and #2.

Addendum #3 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR was approved by the SCAG Regional Council on October 6, 2022.

Complete Connect SoCal PEIR Addendum #3


Resolution No. 22-647-4 Approving Addendum No. 3 Connect SoCal PEIR


Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #4 

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCAG has prepared Addendum #4 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR, which analyzes the changes documented in Connect SoCal 2020 Amendment #3. Based on the evaluation, SCAG finds that the changes would not result in either new significant environmental impacts or a substantial change in the severity of the previously analyzed and disclosed region-wide environmental impacts in the certified Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR with Addendums #1, #2, and #3.